Monday, August 18, 2008


It has been of grave concern for many internet users, Viacom the giant has indeed no respect for ordinary people and as many of us know , It (Viacom) sued Google (The owner of youtube) for a stupid sum of $ 1 billion, thats the price for freedom i would think.
For those of you thats been living a life of ignorance, Youtube and the Internet are the only free tools that normal citizens of this planet could raise opinions and share thoughts and express themselves freely.
I think anybody that tries to clamp down on the internet and what it stands for i.e FREEDOM, are devilish advocates of their own oversized pockets.
The good news is Youtube will not be shutdown. That means all of us could watch our favorite songs or videos without caring a donkeys arse about who owns them. Because for us its a medium of expression. However it is understandable that people who actually made those videos i.e Film makers and producers like myself have no money. this is a popular argument.
i think its got nothing to do with money. If your going to loose millions by showing people what the world deserves to see, then how did u make those millions in the first place?
There has also been a controversy on virgin media a.k.a Mr.Richard Branson who is also getting clever ideas and wants to charge people for viewing every website. I seriously think you need medical attention Mr. Branson.
However there is hope and Viacom has more or less got a slap on the face and a shitload of user data for which they will be spending millions trying to sort out. The bad news is loads of users like you and me who never thought the stuff we wanted to show our friends or loved ones were some idiots copyrights , things that we thought were really kewl, our names and ip addresses are with Viacom.
They Think they know who we are....ha ha ha....get a life guys and do what you were good at doing dont waste everyones time.
Trust me, you come to any of our houses , u know what your going to get , just like what google gave u in a legal way.....A SLAP ON THE FACE!

Please do LEAVE Your Comments say what you think.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

good info and observation even though there are a few arguable points.
these sort of blogs should appear visibly in this blog rather than hiding behind several other info.
then try to remove some snaps and all old postings when they are not matching with the main content of the blog. otherwise a good beginning.